Saturday, March 13, 2010

My new friend

I was putting my flange on today, the Hollister variety because it lets me apply strong pressure to clip the bag to the adhesive flange.  I was squeezing and squeezing but it wouldn't make that click sound.  I tried it with different hands, from different angles.  And then I realized.  My stoma was caught between the part of the clip I couldn't see.

And, in shock, I heard myself exclaim "Oh my god, I had no idea you were there.  I am so sorry".  From that moment on, I knew I now see this little monkey of a stoma as a separate being.  Still nameless but loved and a part of me.  The little monkey bled quite a bit but I think he/she is OK.  Let's call him George.  And of course he's curious about the world.   He does his own thing quite often and we get along pretty well.  I wonder what other people name their little guys and gals.


  1. LOL

    Henry. My end ileo was Henry. Then I got this loop ileo. I named her Henrietta - in memory of Henry of course. But the loop and I had a rough start. We were not friends. So I never called it by anything but "the loop." It has been better lately, but we are still not yet on speaking terms. I still reference the loop as an "it" (Henry was at least a "he"). I think the loop and I are just making the best of things for now in hopes that our time together will be over sooner rather than later.

  2. LOL..thanks for the chuckle! I haven't named either of my stomas....yet :-)

  3. My end ileo's name is "George" also! Named by one of my nurses, and it just seemed to fit (no disrespect to all the Georges out there).

    I have a urostomy also, and another nurse named my stomas "Frick and Frack", Frick being the ileostomy, since it was so frickin' ornery at first!

    Wishing you ALL THE BEST with your J-pouch!

