Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ok, heres the plan. 2 weeks

2 Weeks to heal these problems and try to avoid yet another surgery for God's new gift (Fistula):

-no wheat
-no dairy
-adsorbent charcoal

Lets see what happens.

I'll measure progress by the size of the irritated area.  (God can keeping screwing himself in the meantime, I do this despite God.  )


  1. I think Jini Patel has information on her site on how to heal a fistula naturally. I think the protocol involves injecting wild oregano oil with a syringe, but I'm not sure. I've read it's pretty effective. Good luck!

  2. Here it is

    May take longer than two weeks?

  3. Wow, good for you. I agree with anon, 2 weeks may not be long enough, I think the proof of the pudding is in how you feel, after a week or so you should be feeling pretty good. As I said before, arm yourself with knowledge, only you can determine what is best for your body, in the meantime read and read more.
    Best of luck, The Kiwi.

  4. The annoying part in my case, and why I don't think I can try this is that my fistula is under the flange! I can't remove the flange every 2 hours to use any oil. What I am trying in the meantime:

    -No wheat, no dairy
    -Iron and proper nutrition to expedite healing
    -Cortifoam enemas to try to reduce inflammation in the rectal stump that is likely creating systemic inflammation
    -more sleep
    -flange changes every 2 days

    I see that the fistula and accompanying wound have not changed in the last 2 days.

    By the way. When I used the rectal foam, it was like a micro-cosm of the old days with ulcerative colitis. It burns. I can safely say the colitis hit a point that was easily 10X more painful than getting shingles, anaemia, the bag, etc. This situation sucks but is still far better than before!

  5. Goodness me young man, I so wish I could make things better for you, please know that I think about what you are going through and send goodwill vibes mentally to you when I'm on my daily walk (it really helps on the up hill legs to think deeply about something else).I guess it's losing something in the travelling though as things are not improving so far, I'm hoping when you have part 2 of the surgery it will all improve beyond belief and you will live a normal life.
    Best wishes, the Kiwi.

  6. Have a look at something like this, I know it's a bit girly but then it is about food, you can request it at the library or something similar maybe,
    Cheers, Kiwi.

  7. oops, that should've been a small s on story - sorry.

  8. Cool story, thanks for the link.

    I'm giving it a good shot, avoiding all gluten. So far, nothing but let's see how it goes. Change is never overnight. One thing i know is that this thing hurts a lot!
