Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Kinda sucks having a loving family.

Now I know where that persistent stubborn cough is coming from.  And I know why I have a skin ulcer that won't heal.

I learned a new word today: pathergy.  "a condition in which the application of a stimulus leaves the organism unduly susceptible to subsequent stimuli of a different kind".  In other words, get a surgery and the area that's cut  may now develop ulcers, rather than heal nicely.

This IBD or UC really is a rotten disease and total colectomy (ie removal of the colon) is not a cure-all.  At least the diabetes is gone..
Not sure what to do at this point.    If I didn't have a loving family, whose company I adore... I would find some cool way to off myself.    Instead I must endure this crappy set of genes.  Thats why it sucks having a loving family.


  1. Instead of complaining perhaps I should just ask my surgeon to fix my new lung problem the way they fix my other problems. Just cut everything out!

  2. I emailed you... this won't help your cough, but perhaps it could help the ulcers. Try TriDerma Intense Fast Healing cream. OMG, the stuff is amazing. My incision wound has healed more in the last five days than it has in the last 10 months!! They sell other stuff too. Check it out!
