Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The other problem with gluten

Bread, everywhere.

Maybe the real problem with bread is that its so easy to eat.  It is a food delivery system, almost like an evelope delivering your food message into your mouth.  What a terrible analogy but you get the point.  Bread is also a source of calories.  A bringer of crunchiness.  Sweetness.  Moistness.  Pizza.  It is in just about every junk food too.  
When you outlaw bread from your diet you are forced to become creative, and forced to reduce your fast food consumption.   No wonder that even non celiac people benefit from reducing bread.


  1. gluten free bread? There's lots of junk out there that's "gluten free", you just have to want it badly enough to look and PAY for it!

  2. Yep, I feel your pain, sometimes it's harder than others and it doesn't get any easier to go without the damn stuff unfortunately. On the bright side, after you've given it a good trial you should either feel wonderful or no different in which case, yahoo, eat bread again. I have found I feel so much better without it that it's worth the pain of going without, however, on our burger night I have some gluten free flaxseed bread that I use as my burger bun and I enjoy my álmost' burger without the after bloat that a real bun would give me. I would expect that you would be noticing improvement in some of your symptoms by now, c'mon, you can tell us :) The Kiwi.

  3. I really don't know if it helps or not!

    This much I can say for sure, Kiwi, the celiac-friendly diet can't hurt. It just sucks when you want to eat junk.
